Kunwar Haribansh singh college of Pharmacy

Application Form 2020-21

Thanks for registering with Kunwar Haribansh singh college of Pharmacy! It's free and a simple process.

1. Course Details*Mandatory fields
2. Applicant's Personal Details
Applicant's full name *
( Full name as per the highest / latest qualification certificate or legal certificate )
Father's Name*
( Full Name As Per Educational/Legal Certificate )
Mother's Name*
( Full Name As Per Educational/Legal Certificate )
Date of Birth* (dd-Mon-yyyy) / /
( As per high school certificate in 'dd-Mon-yyyy' format. i.e. '01-Jan-1990' )
3. Contact Details
Mobile Number*
Email Address*
Father's Contact No.*
4. Address Details
Address Line*
City Name*
Pin Code*
4. Educational / Qualification Details
SL.No. Qualification Board/University Passing Year Marks Percentage
1. High School* 
2. Intermediate*
3. Graduation
5. Qualifying Subjects
Physics Marks Chemistry Marks Biology/Math Marks
Upload Photo*
( JPG,JPEG,GIF,PNG image with size upto 50 KB )
6. Declaration
I, hereby declare that the particulars submitted by me in the online application form of KHBS are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of KHBS and also to the decision of KHBS regarding any action. I will not held KHBS responsible for any damages.
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